Saturday, April 30, 2011

Judo Techniques - The Results After Improving the Fat to Muscles Ratio

As somebody who has struggled for thirty years coping with a scale, even while improving my judo techniques, you have no idea how great it was to find something, that totally changed my life. Something, that not only allowed me to shape my body properly, in order to always become better in my judo activities, but also to find the right balance between mind, body and spirit. It sounds like a big secret, but is simply learning how to use food in order to improve the fat/muscles ratio in the body. As simple as drinking a glass of water.

In a very short time by changing my nutrition habits, the biggest change that occurred was following: from a night owl I became a morning lark! Since I was born the night has always inspired me, while the morning has always been a nightmare. Now after only a few weeks, something that was the same for more than forty years suddenly changed: I am an early riser now, I sleep less hours, but deeper and start the day full of energy.

Besides feeling better, being more focused and laughing a lot more, the greatest satisfaction concerns my judo activity: I became a Master World and European Champion. I do not only participate every year at these major Championships, but for fun I also enter International Tournaments in order to compete with the 20-30 year old and most of the times I win, more than when I was their age. You might say it is because of the greater judo experience, I say it is because through a balanced nutrition plan I gained from 40% up to 60% more energy.

Last but not least, at the beginning when I started following the new nutrition plan I lost some weight and was able to reach my lowest weight ever after I became a teenager: 57kg (125 pounds). Now I am at 63kg (139 pounds), but the proportions between fat and muscles have totally changed: I only weigh 3kg (6 pounds) less than when I used to enter the 66kg (145 pounds) at age twenty, but my pants shrank about 3 sizes! Not bad?

My judo techniques have dramatically improved and I must say, that it really becomes a pleasure to understand and feel how great it is to reach the maximum result with the minimum effort, which is what judo is all about.

     By Aida Guemati

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